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(Code: 90140)
The Robinson R22: pre-flight inspec
23.00 €
(-15.00%) 19.55 €
Helicopters derived of the first lineage helicopter R22 conceived by Franck Robinson are nowadays the most sold civilian helicopters in the world. Its honorable performances ...
(Code: 90144)
Les fondamentaux du calcul mental
17.00 €
(-15.00%) 14.45 €
(Code: 90147)
The Weather of Gliding and Flying L
23.00 €
(-15.00%) 19.55 €
Planner monitor and forecaster at Meteo France, the author has always been trying to understand atmospherics movements which allow non-motorized aircrafts to stay in the air...
(Code: 90155)
Aerial drones
24.00 €
(-15.00%) 20.40 €
Aerian drone. By realizing a global photography of the world of drones, industrial industry constantly evolving, this booklet establishes a situation point about the subject, particularly defining those machine real added values, and its complementarity according to lived aircraft. By taking care of technical, economical and regulatory stress, it highlights what refers to reality, fantasy or pure communication. In addition, presenting many ways of reading, this one addresses to both the specialist who was born in the aeronautic culture and the new practicing. For this reason, it has been conceived as a tool, which helps you decrypting actuality; both in general press as in the professional one. Its French and English lexicon of acronyms will give you terminology keys allowing eventually to deepen some researches on the web. Finally, by telling the origin and the filiation of those automatized systems, the book “the aerian drone world” explain their classification, and their characteristics established according to their use level and dedicated missions. It opens one window at a time on civilians applications, and on future programs which go from the tiniest scale to spaceship domain.
(Code: 90162)
Learn to fly the microlight
25.00 €
(-15.00%) 21.25 €
Learn how to pilot an aircraft. This book’s essential goal is to help the aircraft or light plane future pilot (or the already certificated pilot), in the application of a piloting learning method. Authors have kept rigor they imposed in their previous volume (workability of the PPL), staying focused on the “piloting” part but adapting, stress-free, with a lot a facility, to multi axes aircrafts. An introduction to aerodynamic and flight mechanic is developed, stripped with all mathematics formula or complex physics. Is also proposed a chapter dedicated to phraseology on a non-controlled area, and a glossary adapted to aircraft. Humoristic watercolor go with every chapter. Authors, thanks to their pilot experience (from the paragliding speed to MACH 2), and trainer (gliding, single and multi-engine plane, multiple axis aircraft) allow themselves giving advices about human and safety determinants, to keep staying in a world full with liberty… And the pleasure of flying. 2nd edition, 192 pages.
(Code: 90164)
Introduction to Aviation 6th
26.01 €
(-15.00%) 22.11 €
This book has been redacted by a team of trainers and pilots who have a huge experience in aeronautic training. Authors attached to present different type of aircraft, to explain the functioning of their constitutive elements and to describe the environment the device is evolving. This document has been redacted for high school students so that they could prepare with success the Aeronautic Initiation Certificate. It can also be used as a support for secondary teachers who want to present the Aptitude Certificate to Teaching Aeronautic. Those lasts, as well as aero clubs trainers, will find in these book explanations, schemes and needed pictures to this teaching. Everybody who want to discover the aeronautic world will also be interested. Main chapters are: Aircrafts description, aerodynamic, engines, flight mechanics, aircraft constitutive elements, navigation, flight instruments, meteorology, plane environment and the description of a light plane flight, space introduction, evolution of the aviation throughout History.
(Code: 90165)
Booklet manual flight progress
18.00 €
(-15.00%) 15.30 €
Plane manual progression booklet
(Code: 90166)
Box Aerocollection
90.00 €
(-10.00%) 81.00 €
Box including six books about the great war: - Aviation pioneers – Great War hunter – Great War bomber – Great War observation, recognition and school – Great War seaplane – Great War aerostation
(Code: 90201)
1000 Randos en France
25.92 €
(-10.00%) 23.33 €