(Code: 81191-00) 2,874.00 € (-7.00%) 2,672.82 €Transponder TRIG TT21 mode C/S. Transponder mode A/C/S, according to ED-73B, class 2, Level 2es, extended squitter. Certified FAA e ETSO until 15000 ft and 175 kt. Power: 150 W (75W on the antenna) Mounting in a standard 57 mm hole. Command module depth: 8 cm – Integrated altitude encoder
| (Code: 81191-22) 3,198.00 € (-7.00%) 2,974.14 €TT22, the new TRIG mode S transponder is delivered with the cabling linking the screen to the box. Tiny size (45 mm x 62 mm) Tiny weight (450g environ) Tiny consumption (5W) Easy settlement. It may be settled in the tiniest planes, aircrafts or planner. Altitude encoder included. Congestion on the back of the facade: less than 10 cm. Built in Scotland. Homologated EASE and DGAC, especially conceived for general aviation, this mode S transponder, which integrates an altitude encoder, must be the tiniest and the lightest of the certified device according to the regulation. Its front can fit in a standard spacing 57 mm or 42 mm. Low electric consumption (5W), may work with batteries. Output normal power: 130W. Easy to use thanks to its rotating button. The TT22 has the advantage of being the tiniest and the lightest mode S transponder of the general aviation. This two-parts system includes one transponder and one controller. Its assets also include an altitude encoder which can be settled in tiny aircrafts, certified device. The control panel can be settled in a standard place for a board instrument (57 mm) or in a reduced space (45 mm high). The TT22 measures 45 mm high and can be settled anywhere. Type: Class 2 Mode S level 2 els – Certification: ETSO C88a, 2C112b, C166a and TSO C88b, C112c, C166a, approved for IFR and VFR flights. Conformity: ED-73B, ED-14F / DO-160F, DO-178B level B, DO-254 level C, DO-260A, class BO, DO-181C. Supply tension (C.C): 9 – 33V. Typical power tension: Inactive: 0,15A, active: 0,34A. Emitting power: 250W of output nominal power. Functioning temperature: from -40°C to +70°C for the transponder; from -25°C to +70°C for the control panel. Cooling conditions: No cooling required – Weight: 1,0 lb (450 gr) Dimensions: Control panel: 63 x 44 x 54 mm – Transponder: 62 x 45 x 141 mm
| (Code: 81193) 3,450.00 € (-7.00%) 3,208.50 €The TT31 is a mode S transponder with low consumption and inexpensive. It answers elementary surveillance European requirements and integrates in the same rack than the KING KT 76A transponder, making it perfect for every new installation or retrofit. The front of the TT31 beneficiated with a better graphic backlit display, making the access to different function of the transponder easier, including the Flight Identification Code (Flight ID). The code and identification display can be done thanks to a rotating button allowing a big facility of using. TT31. Specification Type: Class 1 Mode S, Level 2 Datalink. Certification: ETSO 2C112b, TSO C112. Conformity: ED73B, DO160D, DO178B level B, DO181C, DO260A. Supply tension (C.C): 10-33 V – Typical power tension: Idle: 0.22A (on 14V) Active: 0.45A – Emitting power: 240 W nominal – Functioning temperature: from -20°C to +55°C. Cooling condition: no fan required – Weight: 2.98 lbs (1.35 kg)
| (Code: 81182-00) 2,852.77 € (-7.00%) 2,653.08 €In stock | (2 Item(s) In Stock) |
| (Code: 81182-01) 2,751.94 € (-7.00%) 2,559.30 €In stock | (2 Item(s) In Stock) |
TRT800H transponder mode A-A/C and S. – Transponder certified EASA Class 1 – Certified for VFR and IFR flight – Equipped with “ADS-B” (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) – “Extended Squitter” function – Connection to the GPS receiver with an optional adaptation cable – Mode A/C and Mode S – Altitude encoder integrated until 35000 ft – Easy to use – OLED screen with 4 lines, active and standby code, the operation mode, the flight level and alerts are displayed on the screen. Settable power saving mode – ICAO (24 bit) address selection adapter, type and flight number (Mode S) integrated – Storage until 8 different data sets. Standby and codes displayed. European homologation ETSO ED73B. Limitation to 5,7 T aircraft. Limitation to the FL350. Maximum speed 463 km/h. Sold with an altitude encoder integrated and the transponder cabling. Sold without antenna (ref: 81183) and antenna cabling (ref: 81184). Technical characteristics: Electric consumption <300mA. Power: 126 W – Antenna output power: 250W – Nominal tension: from 10,5 to 16 V. Supply: 13,75 V DC – Consumption: 0,1A on Mode S – 0,5 A on A/C. Dimensions: 65 x 65 x 160 mm. Weight: nearly 570 gr. Conformity: ED-79B EUROCAE, CS ETSO 2C112a. Class 1, Level 2es, non-diversity
| (Code: 81182-A) 2,923.36 € (-7.00%) 2,718.72 €TRT800A transponder mode A-A/C and S. – Transponder certified EASA Class 1 – Certified for VFR and IFR flight – Equipped with “ADS-B” (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) – “Extended Squitter” function – Connection to the GPS receiver with an optional adaptation cable – Mode A/C and Mode S – Altitude encoder integrated until 35000 ft – Easy to use – OLED screen with 4 lines, active and standby code, the operation mode, the flight level and alerts are displayed on the screen. Settable power saving mode – ICAO (24 bit) address selection adapter, type and flight number (Mode S) integrated – Storage until 8 different data sets. Standby and codes displayed. European homologation ETSO ED73B. Limitation to 5,7 T aircraft. Limitation to the FL350. Maximum speed 463 km/h. Sold with an altitude encoder integrated and the transponder cabling. Sold without antenna (ref: 81183) and antenna cabling (ref: 81184). Technical characteristics: Electric consumption <300mA. Power: 126 W – Antenna output power: 250W – Nominal tension: from 10,5 to 16 V. Supply: 13,75/27,5 V DC – Consumption: 0,2A on Mode S – 0,8 A on A/C. Dimensions: 160 x 41.3 x 176 mm. Weight: nearly 900 gr. Conformity: ED-79B EUROCAE, CS ETSO 2C112a. Class 1, Level 2es, non-diversity
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