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Kanardia EMSIS Kit

(Code: 61265-05)
Model :
Taille :
2,076.00 €
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A simple to use and affordable engine information system which can be used in conjunction with Nesis or as a standalone instrument. Emsis is available as a standalone or secondary EMS, PFD or Navigation instrument.

Pressure connection

Raccord de pression
The instrument must be connected to the total pressure source. Total pressure source is obtained from the total port on the pitot tube.

Static connection

Connexion statique
EMSIS must be connected to the static pressure source. Either fuselage side surfaces or from the static port on the pitot tube.

CAN bus connection

Connexion bus CAN
Used to connected other CAN devices. Connectors are equivalent so either one can be used to connect a CAN device.

OAT connection

Connexion OAT
Connects to the Kanardia OAT digital probe.

GPS connection

Connexion GPS
Is used for external GPS antenna needed by the GPS receiver integrated on AHRS unit.

Encoder connection (optional)

Connexion encodeur
Connects with external encoder for regulating QNH.

RS 485 connection

RS 485
Used to connect with devices via 485 protocol such as indicators or LX Cluster.

Push buttons

EMSIS uses six (80 mm version) or five (3.5" screen version) small push buttons to manipulate the user interface.

SD card slot

Carte SD
EMSIS has a SD card slot for software, maps and data updates.

PFD version

  • Low cost (for what it can provide).
  • Extremely low power consumption (2,5 W at 12 V).
  • Unbelievably bright display.
  • Lightweight design.
  • NESIS and CAN bus compatible.
  • Feature rich.
EMSIS PFD shows:
  • Attitude (roll,pitch)
  • Indicated airspeed (IAS).
  • altitude.
  • QNH setting.
  • Vario.
  • Heading rate (1 minute and 30 secondes de tour).
  • Outside air temperature (OAT).
  • Tracking course.
  • Moving map.
  • Logbook.
(All sensors but the OAT are integrated)
  • Precise altitude pressure sensor; pitostatic.
  • Precise IAS (Indicated airspeed) sensor; pitostatic.
  • 3 angular rate sensor (one per axis).
  • 3 accelerometers.
  • GPS receiver.
  • Digital outside temperature sensor.
  • PFD screen

    Ecran PFD
    Primary flight display shows artificial horizon with flight data information.
  • Navigation screen

    Ecran Navigation
    EMSIS can also show raster maps on graphical display.
  • Integrated GPS/AHRS/Pitot 

    Capteur GPS
    EMSIS PFD has a built in global positionning system, an altitude and heading reference system, pressure measurement system and much more.
  • Capteur OAT externe

    Capteur OAT
    Emsis PFD est livré avec un capteur numérique de température extérieure.
  • Journal de bord

    Capteur OAT
    Emsis conserve automatiquement un journal des vols et les stocke dans un journal de bord.

EMS verion

Module DAQU
EMSIS EMS requires a DAQU to be present on the CAN bus.
Emsis EMS shows:
  • CHTs.
  • EGTs.
  • Engine RPM.
  • Rotor RPM.
  • Fuel flow.
  • Fuel level (up to 2 tanks).
  • Alternator and battery current
  • Voltage.
  • Oil pressure.
  • Oil temperature.
  • Water (coolant) temperature.
  • Airbox temperature.
  • Manifold pressure.
  • Pneumatic pressure.
And when used together with NESIS or PFD instrument, it can show :
  • Airspeed (IAS and/or TAS).
  • altitude.
  • Vario.
  • Engine time.
  • Moving map.
  • Logbook.

Different posting arrangements

  • Affichage 1
  • Affichage 2
  • Affichage 3
  • Affichage 4
  • Affichage 5

Technical specifications

298 g
82 x 82 x 65 mm
Operational voltage:
6 to 32 Volts
150 mA
Operating temperature:
-30°C to +85°C
QNH range:
590 to 1080 hPa (17.42 to 31.89 inHg)
Altitude range:
-500 to 16000 m (-1600 a 52000 ft)
Barometric sensor:
24 bit, 10 to 1200 hPa, resolution 20 cm
16 bit, 3D, dynamic range 0 to 16 g
Typical resolution 0.12 mg
Angular rate:
16 bit, 3D, 250°/s resolution 0.009°/s
Airspeed sensor:
12 bit, 0 to 69 hPa, 381 Km/h, 205 kt
Resolution < 0.1 Km/h
10 Hz, 66 channels, sensitivity -165 dBm
12 bits, range -55 to 125◦C,  0,5◦C accuracy
CAN bus, 29 bit header, 500 kbit, Kanardia protocol
240 x 320 px (2.7"), 24 bit.