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Mastering the paramotor - 5th Editi

(Code: 90129)
26.00 €
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(4 Item(s) In Stock)
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This book must help future aircraft pilots, candidate to the theoretical exam aircraft common core, preparing and especially succeeding this test no matter the class he intends to and the selected option: pilot or trainer. Indeed, chapters, altimetry, regulation, meteorology, aerodynamic, navigation, board instruments, aircraft propulsion, and human factors are the same for everybody and for every kind of aircraft, and asked questions during this theoretical exam are chosen in those chapters, only the part "flight mechanics and paragliding use” especially treats this discipline and will interest paramotoring community. As to trainers, this book will allow them, while training their students, to access easily and quickly to the asked data, or eventually to confirm some knowledge memories tend to fade. We also wanted to class through chapters every knowledges we thought useful to an aircraft pilot, avoiding on maximum data dusting over phases, which makes the research of such or such element complicate.