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(Code: 62210-10-57)
Diamètre :
441.60 €
In Stock
(2 Item(s) In Stock)
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Omnia CHRONO is a compact and reliable instrument that integrates a Chronometer, a Countdown and a GPS data viewer (it require connection to an external GPS receiver).

All the components of the Omnia family are equipped with a state-of-the-art, highly visible display, a powerful 32 bit microcontroller and the latest generation of solid state sensors and components to ensure reliability and accuracy over time.

Up to 16 Omnia family instruments can be connected in cluster to form a communication network, making some data exchange operations simple
Main page with Chronometer, Local Time and UTC Time indications
All the data of the main page with the added Countdown in running mode
Omnia Chrono
Omnia Chrono
Countdown page
GPS data viewer page
Omnia Chrono
Omnia Chrono


  • Chronometer
  • Countdown
  • GPS Data Viewer


  • Knob with pushbutton
  • 2 CAN bus
  • Light Sensor input
  • USB 2.0 port
  • Can be connected in cluster with other Omnia instruments


  • Rugged case milled from solid aluminium
  • Powder-painted
  • 100% manufactured and tested with automatic processes


  • Manual or Automatic Backlight dimmer
  • Easy software updating through the USB port

Technical specifications:

  • 2.4" color graphic LCD 320x240 pixels with 1000 nits backlight.
  • Standard mounting 2-1/4” 57mm and 3-1/8” 80mm.
  • Powder painted aluminium case.
  • Dimensions: 68x62x35mm (57), 85x85x40mm (80).
  • Weight: 140g. (57), 230g. (80)
  • Supply voltage: 10 ~ 30 V=.
  • Supply current: 60mA (57), 135mA (80)
  • GPS input: standard RS232
  • Open-collector alarm output (max 300mA, active low).
  • Operating temperature range: -20 ~ +70°C.
  • Humidity: 90% ma