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VIGILUS FLYBOX - Engine Informatio

(Code: 62074-00)
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VIGILUS Fly Box for 912/914 motor (delivered without sensor)
1,428.00 €
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Vigilus is the new FlyBox instrument that combines with the remote module to provide complete on-board management of engine and fuel parameters.

The instrument is organized to have 5 different screens. With the function menu it is possible to view a graphical data logger as shown below :
Engine indications: rpm, map, oil pressure, oil temperature, water temperature, EGT, CHT, fuel pressure, fuel level, OAT, CAT, flight time
Hour meters : Total accumulated time by the engine, time run in green-yellow-red zone, last flight time, max peak reached in the last flight, max peak reached ever by the engine
Flight Timer : Local Time (UTC corrected), Flight Time, Chronometer, Volt, Ampere, Density altitude
Engine indications : rpm, map, oil pressure, oil temperature, water temperature, EGT, CHT, fuel pressure, fuel level, OAT, CAT, flight time
Fuel management : 3 capacitive or resistive televel input, Optional Fuel Computer (will require a software key) with Flow Meter, Endurance, Remaining, Burmed, Range and Q.ty to destination (require GPS connection)
Datalogger : a memory capable of 200 hours and stores all the information supplied by Vigilus distributed for each flight. The data is easy to scroll and analyze with a graphical viewer, and to download with a USB key.
Motor specifications :
- Motor RPM
- MAP with integrated sensor
- Oil pressure
- Oil temperature
- 6 CHT inputs
- 6 EGT inputs
- Fuel pressure
- OAT (outside air temperature)
- CAT (carburetor air temperature / AirBox)
- Voltmeter
- Amperemeter
- Hour meter, also divided by time in green, yellow and red zones
-Peak speed memories (last flight speed peak and maximum speed ever reached)
- Flight timer
- Local time - UTC time (GPS connection required)
- 3 composite video inputs (with optional Video Grabber cod.653000)
- 2 inputs for remote switches
Fuel management features : 
- Fuel calculator (fuel flow, endurane, remaining fuel, burnt fuel, range and reserve at destination). It is possible to activate 3 alarms for remaining fuel, vindange time and tank balancing. When a measurement falls below its destination point, the alarm is activated both on the display and/or on the entire audio output or voice alert.
The fuel computer functions will require the optional fuel computer activation key cod. 651055.
- 3 resistive and resistive fuel level sensor inputs
Other features:
- 200-hour data logger with integrated graphical data viewer and data export capability
- Upgradeable software via USB key
- Engine alarms are activated when the relative measurement is out of range, and can be both displayed and on the audio output tone or voice alert message.
Technical specifications:
- Dimensions: 86x86x22 mm (Vigilus) 135x79x20 mm (remote module)
- Weight : 185g
- Operating temperature range : -20 ~ + 70 ° C
- Supply voltage : 12 ~ 30 Vdc
- Supply current : 200 mA
- 3.5" TFT color LCD display
- Screen brightness: 1000 nits, adjustable.
- Mounting on standard 31/8 "(80mm) panel
- Audio LineOut for intercom
- 2 CAN Bus communication interfaces
GPS inputs: RS-232 standard, data format: NMEA-0183, phrases required: $ GPRMC and $ GPRMC
1 USB port
- Internal storage for 200 hours of data logging
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since 1996
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