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Lubricants & Greases

(Code: 91426)
Anti-seize tube YACCO 100 grammes
13.84 €
Anti-seize tube YACCO Allows an easiest disassembly, protects in a permanent way against rust and corrosion caused by the bad weather, the heat and chemical agents. Suits to the greasing of exhausts' patellas and on the spark plugs' thread to avoid any seizing. Resists against temperatures of 1,100° C. 100 grams tube.
(Code: 91371)
Grease multip bio NLGI 1
13.75 €
Grease Multip bio NLGI 2. Multi use, especially in order to degrease the rotor’s head for autogyres. Using from -15 to -30°C. 400g cartridge
(Code: 91452)
LOCTITE 8101 grease lubricant
27.50 €
LOCTITE 8101 is a lubricant for channels which had elevated adhesive properties. It is used to grease open mechanism, so as chains, gears, steel cable and leadscrew. 400 ml bottle
(Code: 91443)
LOCTITE 8103 universal grease
26.78 €
Loctite 8103 is an universal mineral grease containing MoS2 destined to moving parts strongly charged using no matter the speed. It is used to apply particularly on soft or ball bearing, splines, hinges and slides, submitted to elevated charges vibrations. This product if typically used for application which functioning temperature range is included between -30°C and +160°C. 400ml
(Code: 91451)
LOCTITE 8201 lubricant 5 funtions
30.24 €
LOCTITE 8201 lubricant 5 functions: Unjam, lubricate, clean, hunt humidity, anti-corrosion. 400 ml bottle
(Code: 91425)
YACCO AVX1000 2T 1 liter
19.92 €
AVX 1000 oil 2t 100% synthesis. 100% synthesis oil developed to answer aircraft engine builders’ requirements. Particularly adapted to 2t engines, with both injection and carburetor, including those used in really severe conditions (competition, schooling, banner towing, …) Properties: - Synthetics ester bases bringing an amazing resistance to high temperature to prevent clamping risks. – Reduces the exhaust pipe, lights and piston coking. – Pre diluted diluent assuring instantaneous miscibility and really stable in the fuel – Amazing smoke-suppressant performances – Low ashes content preventing the deposit formation in the combustion chamber – Low pour point allowing using until really low temperatures – Change the oil color in blue – 1L can
(Code: 91428-1000)
YACCO AVX1000 4T 10W40 2 liters
35.41 €
AVX1000 oil 4t 10W40 100% half-synthesis to detergent additives and reinforced anti-wear answering to Rotax requirement, especially while using unleaded gasoline 98 and 100LL – 2L can – Not available yet
(Code: 91420)
YACCO AVX500 2T 2 liters
32.82 €
Yacco oil AVX 500 2 T half synthesis. Developed in order to answer to different engine manufacturer requirement of light aviation.
(Code: 91420-60)
YACCO AVX500 2T 60 liters
783.22 €
Yacco Oil AVX 500 2 T half synthesis. Price for the 60L can + pump. Flat-rate port 29.90€ ATI for metropolitan France.
(Code: 91428)
YACCO AVX500 4T 2 liters
33.29 €
Yacco oil AVX 500 4t half synthesis. Developed to answer aircrafts engine builders requirements. Particularly adapted to 4t engines atmospheric or turbo compressed provided with hydraulic push including those used in severe using conditions (schooling, banner towing, …) Exclusive formulation allowing answering to integrated reducers and couple limiters requirements. Specification: API SL – Advantages: amazing oil stability on high temperature – Dispersive properties reinforced to avoid the deposit formation – Adapted and recommended for engines which work with lead or unleaded gasoline. 2L can – Unit weight: 1.950 kg
(Code: 91422)
YACCO BVX C 100 85W140 2 liter bott
25.60 €
BVX C 100 oil 85W140 – Yacco reducer – Important noise and transmission vibration reduction in every season – Remarkable extreme properties – pressure assuring an amazing delivery of gears submitted to big charges – Really high resistance to high temperature – 2L can
(Code: 91434)
YACCO BVX LS 1000 bidon 2 litres
51.67 €
YACCO BVX LS 1000 2L bottle. The Yacco oil BVX LS 1000 75W140 is a 100% synthesis oil, long term for gearbox and ties strongly biased. This lubricant also fits to BTP and RAC class 6 helicopters. Specification API GL5/GL4, LS (limited sliding), SCANIA STO 1:0, ZF TE-ML 05B/12B. Each – Weight: 2 kg
(Code: 91421)
YACCO MVX1000 4T 10W50 1 liter
19.03 €
MVX1000 oil 4 t 10W50. 100% synthesis to detergent additives and reinforced antiwear answering to the last Rotax requirement, especially while using unleaded gasoline 98 and 100LL. 1L can.
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